I started this blog years ago one late summer night in junior high. I look at some of these old post and just *face-palm.* I have deleted some of the old posts that need to be deleted, but left some of my iSpIrAtIoNaL junior high wisdom for your personal enjoyment. Days have most certainly gone by since then. As time has passed, I have grown and learned so much more about how to be a human, life lessons, and just life in general.
I was recently inspired by a friend of mine to get back in to blogging. I want this to be a place for me to publicly proclaim what has been going on in my life, and how God is working in it. Along the way, I might throw in a fun post here and there of how-tos and such as I have done in the past. Just like in life, I don't exactly know where this is headed, but I'd like you to join me on this journey.
Yours truly,