Saturday, October 13, 2012

Craftation: Round Four

Sorry, I might have accidentally skipped September! Well, I am back on tract again. Here we go! This time around it will be coffee filter decor ball thing-a-ma-gigs.

What you need:
  • Coffee Filters
  • Floral pins or Strait Pins
  • Styrofoam ball
  • Thread
  • Something to hang it with

Fold in a triangular shape
 Push the coffee filter into the Styrofoam ball with a floral or strait pin.
 And repeat!

 Eventually, it will look like this.
 And later this!
 Ta DA!
Yours truly,
Gin Jager

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Craftation: Round Three

This time around it is personalized mugs.

You will need:
  • Sharpies
  • Mud from the Dollar Store
Sorry! I forgot to take pictures durring the process, but it is simple. So, it will be easy!

First, you deicide what you want on you mug and start doodling away on it.
Then, you let you finished mug sit for 24 hours, so it can absorbe.
Lastly, you put it in the oven at 350 degerese for 20 - 30 minutes.

And you have...

A mug!

I scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed the mug and it did not come off. Then, I decided to just through it in the dishwasher. Bad idea. I found out that these are NOT dishwasher safe.

Blogity, Bloggity, Blog,
Gin Jager

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Crafation: Round Two

This craftation will be a mason jar candle. It is a fun, inexpensive thing to make and give as a gift.

What you need:
  • Wax (I used "100% natural soy way," but I guess and wax that you can melt down will work. I have seen it done with old candles, just melt them down )
  • Eight inch waxed wicks with tabs
  • Mason Jar
  • Scent (optional, I chose cappuccino)
  • Dye (optional, I did not even use it because I liked the cream)
  • Funnel
  • Double Boiler
  • Clothespins
  • Hot glue Gun

Heat up you hot glue gun. Then, glue the tab of the wick to the center of the bottom of the mason jar.

Now, boil some water.

Have all the wax you need measured out. When you do this, fill up your mason jar all the way. Then, double that amount.

Make sure you add you sent and dye how it is directed on the package.

Now, put on your double boiler and add the wax.

Sorry, I forgot to get a picture of how it is when you first pour it in.
Now, stir it around until it melts completely.

Set you funnel in your jar. Then, pour it in.

You might not melt enough on your first time, so just melt some more.

Put a clothespin on the wick and set it aside to harden.

Later on, it should look like this.
In the mean time clean* up.

Wait until it is completely hardened, then cut the wicks down to size.

Voila, You have a mason jar candle!

Clean*- Never pour melted wax down the drain or it will later harden and clog up your drain, so just use paper towels and wipe it ALL off. Then, clean it as usual.

Happy  blogging,
Gin Jager

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Pin, Pin, Pin My Life Away

Most of my summer days consist of TV and Pinterest. I love Pinterest. I mean love. I love the "Diy & Crafts" option. I have had inspiration from Pinterest many times. But there are just about fifty- thousand crafts I want to do that are all like "pull out your handy, dandy table saw" or whatever. Not everyone has that "handy, dandy" table saw or is too afraid to use it! I am sure there are some poor African kids that have access to Pinterest but have no table saw! Forealls, come on Pinterest do you want to help all those poor, little African children with the longing to do a craft? I am not haten' on Pinterest or anything, though.

Gin Jager and the African children

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Craftation: Round One

Every month, I will try to add a new craft and directions to the craft. This month it shall be bleach pen tee shirts. I hope this plan turns out!

Here goes!

First you get all the stuff you need:
  • Old Tee Shirt (Mine is just from Walmart)
  • Bleach Pen (For whites)
  • Spray Bottle
  • Cardboard paint board for tee shirts... you could just use a piece of card board though, but we just had on of these laying around.
Put the tee shirt on the board and pull it pretty tight.

Start drawing your picture on the shirt with the pen side (you can use the other but for this picture it was just made more sense).
Spray the picture with a little water, just enough to get the shirt a little bit wet. This will help it disperse easier.

Let it dry over night WITH THE BOARD INSIDE IT. Otherwise it will seep through and show up on the other side. Like so...

By morning, it should look cracked, somewhat like this.
You should get this. Remember, every material and color reacts differently.
This is what I finished it off with (obviously it is optional).
And sha-bam, you are finished!

Until I blog again,
Gin Jager

The Boredom Life

Wake up. Eat lunch. Watch TV for a couple of hours. Go to my room stare at the walls and attempt to clean my room (never works). Go eat dinner. Go watch TV. Go to my room and get on the computer. When two a.m. rolls around go to bed.
That is it that really is all my summer. There is the occasional friend over, have to do chores or working the yard, or a Walmart trip here and there. When you really think hard about it, that really is it. Yeah, I will go to the beach and all, but when I am home I am doing nothing! I feel like that is what every one's summer is like when you are my age and do not have a summer job. There are many people out there with much less than the average that need to be reached by the people with too much time on their hands and just are not getting reached. Ezekiel 31:14 says, "All this is in order that no trees by the waters may grow to towering height or set their tops among the clouds, and that no trees that drink water may reach up to them in height. For they are all given over to death, to the world below, among the children of man, with those who go down to the pit." That is it! We need to reach the world for Christ to save the souls with no hope, lost in darkness. Some of them may not seem lost on the outside, but on the inside they are in a vat of emptiness with nothing to fill that emptiness. You can be on top of it all with millions of dollars and have nothing to look forward to afterwards. Matthew 16:26 says, "For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul?"  So let us reach.

Later Posts,
Gin Jager

Letting Go

I am sad to say that in life we have to let go of things. It does not start at a specific point in our lives or all involve the same things, but in life we have to let go. For some people it is death, losing a best friend, moving, slowly moving on from a beloved book series, or many other things. For me right now it is the one about the "slowly moving on from a beloved book series." Yeah, I know it sounds stupid, but to me it is as traumatic as a death, loss of a good friend, or a move (I repeat it does sound stupid)! The thing is, it is moving on from the Harry Potter series. Yeah, WOW! I know, it is hard to get over an epic seven book, eight movie, one continuous story phenomenon, but days do go by and over time you have to let go. Yes, I will always have a board on Pinterest dedicated to Harry Potter, but I will eventually have to change my profile picture on Facebook. But that is life, we grow and change we may always love something but we cannot always live in it, right? There are times when we need to say goodbye and say hello to something new.

Until Later Blog Posts,
Gin Jager

This Is It

This is it. I am here. I have joined the blogging community. I am here to show the blogging world a new way to blog. Oh yes, my way.
I am the youngest of four girls but it only feels like three right now. Only because one is at college and working at camp this entire summer. Then in the fall it will feel like two girls I will have lost another one to the cold hard world of growing up. There will be one less seat full at the dinner table, one less mixture of music in the mornings before school, one less outfit to wear (okay more than one), one less chance to sit on the floor in a sister's room and ask questions about them. But I will get over it just as I did before and keep growing until I will reach that point in time when it will be empty and barren on the second floor of our house.

Until next post,
Gin Jager